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Accompanying programme
Photo gallery



Location: Collegium Novum, ul. Gołębia 24, second floor
Working hours: Tuesday, 6 September 16:00 - 19:00
Wednesday, 7 September 8:00 - 18:30
Thursday, 8 September 8:00 - 13.00
Friday, 9 September 8:00 - 18.30
Saturday, 10 September 8:00 - 16:30



You are kindly asked to read the below information carefully before registering to the conference.
Each person who would like to attend the conference should register on-line.
Each person can be registered to the conference ONCE.
To attend the conference, register as PARTICIPANT.
Only registered participants can log in to the system.
Payment and abstract submission options are available for the participant after logging in, not during the registration process.
Information for MAC users.
The registration system does not operate under Safari browser. We advise you to use Mozilla Firefox browser instead.
Registration is processed through the "Coffee" on-line registration system. Any mistake made during the registration process can be corrected or updated, e.g. personal data, the type of registration fee, the hotel reservation, the invoice data, after logging in to the system.
During the registration process an accompanying person should be added and an appropriate registration fee should be chosen.
Accompanying person does not attend the sessions and does not receive conference materials.

Registration fees
All the payments should be settled in Polish zloties (PLN)
Daily exchange rate of the Polish zloty (PLN) is as follows:

Kursy walut w
Notowanie z 2024-07-02
USD1.15%4,0375 zł
EUR0.71%4,3286 zł
CHF0.71%4,4650 zł
GBP0.79%5,0988 zł

Registration fee is in PLN. The amount in EUR is given only for information purposes. 
    In the case of bank transfers, participants are responsible for covering all banking charges as well as for choosing the appropriate exchange rate (the sum of a given bank transfer should be equal to the registration fee in PLN as given on the conference website). 
Fee Categories Early registration
(until May 31, 2011)
Late registration
(after May 31, 2011)
Basic fee Full fee
(dinner included)
Basic feeFull fee
(dinner included)
Members of SIE 300 PLN 400 PLN420 PLN520 PLN
Non-members520 PLN 780 PLN640 PLN740 PLN
Students140 PLN 240 PLN260 PLN360 PLN

Registration for ECIS 7 will be possible after the individual abstract submission procedure is closed.  The registration can be processed from December 1, 2010.
To register please press the Register button and then follow the instruction given in the system.
To log in to the system please press Log in.

    In case of any enquiries or problems, you are kindly requested to contact Ms. Katarzyna Tumm or Mrs. Elzbieta Jaglowska from the Jagiellonian University Events Office at: e-mail or phone 0048 12 663 38 58.  
All the payments can be made after registering to the conference.  
Methods of payment:
1)       on-line credit card payment
2)       bank transfer
3)       optionally - mail order credit card payment
In order to pay please follow the instructions:
ad 1) On-line credit card payment
- log in to the system,
- click Pay on-line
- mark proper fee you want to pay and click Pay on-line button
You will be transferred to the POLCARD safe on-line payment system. To make the payment, please follow the instruction.
IMPORTANT! The confirmation of the payment will be available in the system within a few hours.  
ad 2) Bank transfer payment
- log in to the system
- click Pay on-line
- choose Billing Summary tab - click Print bank transfer data button under Bank transfer data information
- make the bank transfer payment using the information provided
Please make sure that the bank transfer title includes the name of the participant, the name of the conference and the NRK number provided by the registration system.
IMPORTANT! Please remember that banks usually charge extra money for international money transfers. Please make sure that you cover the banking charges as well.
ad 3) Mail order credit card payment
should be used only if there are technical problems with the on-line payment
To pay by that method:
- Log in to the system
- click Pay on-line
Print the PDF document available at the bottom of the page, under Important information, then fill it in, sign in and send by e-mail to or by fax to 0048 12 663 38 58.
Participants who need an invoice have to provide the invoice data during the registration process.
The invoices are issued after the payment is made.
The invoice data can be also provided after the registration process but always before the payment is made.
To do so:
- log in to the system
- click Pay on-line
- choose Invoice Preferences tab
- click the Add invoice buyer button
- type in the invoice data
- press Accept button
- choose from the list on the right proper fees by clicking the Add button
- click Save changes button

The invoice is issued after the payment is made.
If you need the pro-forma invoice, you are kindly asked to send the request to
Note for Jagiellonian University affiliates: Ci pracownicy i studenci UJ, za których placi macierzysta jednostka, nie wypelniaja danych do faktury, tylko niezwlocznie po dokonaniu rejestracji wysylaja na adres cbin@adm, zobowiazanie jednostki do uiszczenia oplaty. Potwierdzenie musi zawierac nazwe i adres jednostki.  
Registration and hotel reservations will be handled by the Events Office of the Jagiellonian University. Please contact Ms. Katarzyna Tumm in all matters related to the registration, payment of the conference fee, and hotel reservations.
Contact details:
Ms Katarzyna Tumm
Jagiellonian University Events Office (Biuro Organizacji Imprez UJ)
ul. Gołębia 24
31-007 Kraków
Fax/phone: +48 /12/ 663 38 58

