Maria Bobrownicka



A contemporary Bosnian writer, Mesa Selimović, rooted in Moslem tradition regards himself as a Marxist yet exposes typically existential attitudes and concentrates on moral problems in his works. In the world of his novels a man is besieged by evil and almost helpless in the face of evil, determined by fear, which requires heroism to be overcome. The sphere of sacrum consists of a set of the most essential, profound and intrinsic ethical values, which a man is destined to defend and to remain faithful to. However evil, anti-sacrum as more dynamic gains prominence in this world.

Selimović's attitude is rather pessimistic. Evil, anti-sacrum, usually turns out to be stronger than sacrum, i.e. the set of values which even religion is unable to protect completely. Secular, as a matter of fact existential assumption of Selimović's philosophy of life, and, on the other hand, his strong Moslem tradition make the system of values which constitute the sphere of sacrum in the world presented somehow weak and defenceless against active and more aggressive anti-sacrum and evil, the system is bound to be defeated, as logically unjustified as not sanctioned by religion.

But, at the same time, as if contrary to logic, the system is surprisingly vital, indestructible because it is indispensable to a man. Deep inside, there is a need for sacrum, craving for it, there is also a requirement, almost a categorical imperative for ethical heroism. The weakness of a man, his fear, his being horrified by existence and simultaneously his unfulfilled desire of holiness are the reasons for his sacrum to be constantly betrayed and saved.