The Homepage of Jadwiga Waniakowa

Born in 1964 in Stalowa Wola, graduate and professor of the Jagiellonian University, director of the Institute of Linguistics and the De­part­ment of History of Languages and Lin­guis­tics, assistant director of the Institute of the Polish Language at the Polish Academy of Sciences (2012–2016), chairman of the Polish committee of Atlas Linguarum Europae (ALE) and the Polish committee of The Slavic Linguistic Atlas (OLA), specializes in diachronic Slavic linguistics, etymology, linguistic contacts, and geolinguistics. She published, among others, the following monographies: Nazwy dni tygodnia w językach indoeuropejskich (1985; ‘Names of the days of the week in Indo-European languages’), Polska naukowa terminologia astronomiczna (2003; ‘Polish scientific astronomical terminology’), and Polskie gwarowe nazwy dziko rosnących roślin zielnych na tle słowiańskim. Zagadnienia ogólne (2012; ‘Polish dialectal names of wild herbaceous plants against the Slavic background. General issues’). She is a co-editor and co-author of the ninth volume of The Slavic Linguistic Atlas (Человек, 2009). She has also collaborated on Wyrazy francuskiego pochodzenia we współczesnym języku polskim (2012; ‘Words of French origin in contemporary Polish’).


Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Instytut Językoznawstwa
al. Mickiewicza 3
jadwiga (dot) waniak (at) uj (dot) edu (dot) pl

Jadwiga Waniakowa