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Michał Németh
The Hungarian and Slavonic Background of Bashkir traž ‘wasp’
SEC 16 (2011), 93–101

pdf of volume 16

This article offers a critique of Árpád Berta’s paper (2001) in which the author contends that the Bšk. traž word for ‘wasp’ originated (via the Volga Bolgharian) from the Hung. darázs id. The present author attempts to point out the weak points in this interpretation, and proposes, instead, the PSlav. *dražъ as the source of the Hungarian and the Bashkir words for ‘wasp’. Thus, the article augments our knowledge of the possible Slavonic origin of the Hungarian and Bashkir words, and provides further details in support of the etymology presented by András Zoltán (2010; 2011).


author = {Németh, Michał},
title = {The Hungarian and Slavonic Background of Bashkir \textit{traž} ‘wasp’},
journal = {Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia},
volume = {16},
year = {2011},
pages = {93–101}