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Guillaume Jacques
La racine *eh2- en Sanskrit : vāma-, vāra-°, vayati
SEC 18 (2013), 69–82

pdf of volume 18

The root *eh2- in Sanskrit: vāma-, vāra-°, vayati

This article discusses the remnants of the root *eh2- ‘to turn’ in Sanskrit. First, vāma- ‘left’, an etymon which we analyse from a typological point of view, bringing comparative data from various languages; the etymology of its synonym savyá- is also discussed. Second, the noun vāra-° ‘prostitute’ which, although isolated in Sanskrit, presents an exact Latin cognate. Third, the verb vayati ‘to weave’, whose paradigm and derived noun include some forms that must originate from *eh2-.


author = {Jacques, Guillaume},
title = {La racine *\textit{eh\textsubscript{2}-} en Sanskrit : \textit{vāma-}, \textit{vāra-}°, \textit{vayati}},
journal = {Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia},
volume = {18},
year = {2013},
pages = {69–82}