dr Cezary Galewicz, adiunkt (assistant professor)

e-mail: cezarygalewicz@yahoo.com

(Ph.D "Canonicity and Novelty in Rigveda" from Jagiellonian University 2000)

Research areas:
civilizations of South Asia, historical and civilizational aspects of co-existence of religions and cultures on the Indian peninsula; history and historiograhy of India, transformations in religious traditions and literary cultures, anthropology of literature; textual studies, textual authority and textual communities, learned communities and traditions of knowledge transmission and organization, contemporary forms of traditional religious and literary institutions; civilizational aspects of Sanskrit culture. Additionally: musical traditions and performing arts of South India.
Projects: Intellectual Traditions of the East/A Comparaive Historyk of Intellectual Practices , Living libraries of South Asia, Change and Continuation in literary traditions of South Asia, Multimedia mini-Library for South Asia Sources [Publikations...]

Dept. of Indology, Institute of Oriental Studies JU, ul.Podwale 7, 31-118 Kraków, tel:(+4812)370 47 60,370 47 62, design by Element start site